child program

Realizing your child may need physical therapy can cause a parent to feel unsure, frightened and anxious about what is to come. Our physical therapists utilize current research, advanced training and over a combined 30 years of experience when working with children to help your child reach his or her maximal potential for movement and posture. Our physical therapists are pediatric movement and posture specialists who provide the ultimate level of attention and specialized therapy.

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Young Child Program

Kids on the move! Children in this age group need physical therapy assistance to master activities such as walking, running, climbing stairs and riding tricycles. We are here to help your child be successful in areas that are important while having fun and feeling proud of themselves in their achievement.

Older Child Program

As children get older, they become even more involved in their physical therapy program. Goals are set that are very important to your child so they become invested in their rehabilitation and take on some responsibility in their program.  Their goals may be more specific and can vary from sitting taller in their chair at school, running faster during recess or overcoming an injury and getting back to regular activities.

What you can expect:

  • 1 hour comprehensive evaluation
  • 1 on 1 treatments for 1 full hour (no aides)
  • Board Certified, Doctors of Physical Therapy
  • Dedicated time to address your needs and goals
  • Individualized, structured treatment and recovery plan
  • Manual therapy interventions
  • Mobility enhancement techniques
  • Postural retraining
  • Neurological screening
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