At Kids Perspective Physical Therapy, we put our patients and their families first. We will provide you with a thorough evaluation that assesses your child’s gross motor skills as well as recommendations for goals and an appropriate plan of care.


Is your child is having trouble crawling? You’ve landing on the right page, and we are here to help!

Crawling is a developmental skill that relies on lower & upper extremity strength, as well as core strength. It requires the coordination of opposite sides of the body to achieve the reciprocal crawling motion.

Children of all ages may demonstrate motor abilities at a lower age equivalency. Pinpointing these delays is the first step in the therapeutic journey of bringing your child back on track with their peer.

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When should my baby start to crawl?

Babies usually start crawling between 6 to 10 months, though doctors have noticed a more delayed onset of crawling since the start of the Back to Sleep program and decreased tummy time opportunities. Crawling is an important motor activity for babies that helps develop so many parts of their little bodies and integrate their different body systems. When they crawl, babies are learning problem solving skills to navigate the world around them. They are also increasing the strength in their arms, legs and trunk, as well improving their coordination. Crawling can also help with their vision skills as they have to alternate looking in the distance and nearby to move around safely and the pressure through their hands provides valuable sensory input and develops arches that are necessary for handwriting.

Why crawling is important

  • Develop leg and core strength
  • Learn problem solving skills
  • Integrate different body systems
  • Improve coordination
  • Provide valuable sensory input
  • Improve arm and trunk strength
  • Help with visual skills
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what should i do if my baby is not yet crawling?

Remember that skill development is a continuum and not all children develop at the same pace. Always trust your gut as a parent and check in with your pediatrician any time you are concerned about your child’s development. Not all children crawl and still go on to develop normally and there is less of a concern by doctors if this milestone is skipped. While it is important to provide as many opportunities to encourage your baby to crawl, there are other factors to look at if there are concerns about a child not crawling. Is the child refusing to move at all? Do they favor one side over the other? Do their arms, legs or trunk seem really “stiff” or “floppy”? Are there other delays in their development, such as not speaking or not using their hands? These are all concerns that should be brought up with your pediatrician.

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